permits all of the individuals directly involved in the procedure | to enter into a written agreement; this includes the intended | parents, the gestational mother, and her husband, if she is | married. In addition, if known donors are involved, they also must | sign the agreement. The agreement must provide that the intended | parents will be the parents of any child born pursuant to the | agreement while all of the others (gestational mother, her husband, | if any, and the donors, as appropriate) relinquish all parental | rights and duties. |
| | Under subsection (b), a valid gestational agreement requires | that the man and woman who are the intended parents, whether | married or unmarried, to be parties to the gestational agreement. | This reflects the Act's comprehensive concern for the best | interest of nonmarital as well as marital children born as the | result of a gestational agreement. Throughout UPA the goal is to | treat marital and nonmarital children equally. |
| | Subsection (c) provides that in order to be enforceable, the | agreement must be validated by the appropriate court under § 803. |
| | Subsection (e) is intended to shield gestational agreements | that include payment of the gestational mother from challenge | under "baby-selling" statutes that prohibit payment of money to | the birth mother for her consent to an adoption. |
| | Subsection (f) is intended to acknowledge that the gestational | mother, as a pregnant woman, has a constitutionally-recognized | right to decide issues regarding her prenatal care. In other | words, the intended parents have no right to demand that the | gestational mother undergo any particular medical regimen at | their behest. |
| | Subsection 1, paragraph A requires that a gestational mother | be at least twenty-one years of age to ensure that she has | sufficient maturity to fully comprehend the consequences of what | she is about to undertake. |
| | Subsections 1 and 2 are made gender neutral and establish that | the intended parent or parents, regardless of their gender, must | be parties to the gestational agreement. |
| | Subsection 5 is intended to allow both consideration and | expenses that are currently payable to a consenting mother under | adoption law. |
| | §1972.__Requirements of petition |