case management officer may review records in camera to | determine whether to grant access; and |
| (5) Other actions assigned by the Chief Judge of the | District Court. |
| | Sec. B-2. 19-A MRSA §101, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. | B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is repealed and the following | enacted in its place: |
| | 8.__Parent.__"Parent" means: |
| A.__A person who has established a parent-child relationship | with the child under section 1841; or |
| B.__A legal guardian if no person can be identified under | paragraph A. |
| | Sec. B-3. 19-A MRSA §251, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. | B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read: |
| | 2. Required mediation. Except as provided in paragraph B, | prior to a contested hearing under chapter 27, chapter 29, | chapter 55, section 1845 or chapter 63 when there are minor | children of the parties, the court shall refer the parties to | mediation. |
| A. For good cause shown, the court, prior to referring the | parties to mediation, may hear motions for temporary relief, | pending final judgment on an issue or combination of issues | for which good cause for temporary relief has been shown. |
| B. Upon motion supported by affidavit, the court may, for | extraordinary cause shown, waive the mediation requirement | under this subsection. |
| | Sec. B-4. 19-A MRSA §1503, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. B, §2 | and affected by Pt. E, §2, is repealed. |
| | Sec. B-5. 19-A MRSA §§1504 and 1505, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, | Pt. B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, are repealed and the | following enacted in their place: |
| §1504.__Person's duty of support |
| | 1.__Duty of support.__A person has the duty to support: |
| A.__That person's child; and |
| B.__That person's spouse when in need. |