| 2.__Duty includes.__A parent's duty of support includes: |
| A.__The reasonable expense of the mother's pregnancy and | confinement; |
| B.__Child support pursuant to the child support guidelines | in chapter 63; and |
| C.__Reasonable attorney's fees for the prosecution of | parentage proceedings. |
| | 3.__Proceeding.__If parentage has been determined or has been | acknowledged according to the laws of this State, the liabilities | of the parent may be established and enforced in the same or | other proceedings by the other parent, the child or the public | authority that has furnished or may furnish the reasonable | expenses of pregnancy and confinement or support, and by other | persons, including private agencies, to the extent that they have | furnished the reasonable expenses of pregnancy or support. |
| §1505.__Extent of duties of support |
| | 1.__Presence or residence of obligee.__An obligor has the duty | of support as defined in this chapter regardless of the presence | or residence of the obligee. |
| | 2.__Preceding 6 years.__The obligor's liabilities for past | support are limited to the 6-year period preceding the | commencement of an action to determine parentage or establish | child support. |
| | 3.__Disestablished parent.__If a court grants a request to | disestablish parentage, this subsection applies. |
| A.__The disestablished parent remains liable for all unpaid | child support obligations that accumulated prior to the | filing of the action to disestablish parentage. |
| B.__The disestablished parent has no right to reimbursement | from any person or entity for amounts paid pursuant to a | support order. |
| | Sec. B-6. 19-A MRSA §1506, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. B, §2 | and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read: |
| §1506. Public assistance recipients' rights of privacy |
| | When the department seeks to establish paternity parentage of | a dependent child, any inquiry about prior or current sexual |