LD 1548
pg. 12
Page 11 of 15 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning Registration of Engineers Page 13 of 15
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LR 650
Item 1

the District Court, pursuant to Title 4, chapter 5, may revoke,
suspend or refuse to renew the registration license of a registered
licensed professional engineer or the certificate of an engineer-
intern who is found guilty of:

1. Fraud or deceit. The practice of any fraud or deceit in
obtaining a certificate of registration license as professional
engineer or a certificate as an engineer-intern;

2. Negligence or misconduct. Any gross negligence,
incompetency or misconduct in the practice of professional
engineering as a registered licensed professional engineer or as
an engineer-intern; or

3. Violations. Violating any provision of this chapter or
any rule of the board.

Any person may register a complaint of fraud, deceit, gross
negligence, incompetency or misconduct against any registered
licensed professional engineer or any engineer-intern. These
complaints must be in writing, signed by the individual making
the complaint and filed with the board.

The board, for reasons it may determine sufficient, may
reissue a certificate of registration as license to a
professional engineer or as a certificate to an engineer-intern
to any person whose license or certificate has been revoked,
provided that 4 or more members of the board vote in favor of
that reissuance. A new certificate of registration license as a
professional engineer or certificate as an engineer-intern, to
replace any license or certificate revoked, lost, destroyed or
mutilated, may be issued, subject to the rules of the board and a
charge established by the board.

Sec. 25. 32 MRSA §1357, as amended by PL 1999, c. 186, §10, is
further amended to read:

§1357. Expiration and renewals

Certificates of registration Licenses expire on the last day
of December of odd-numbered years following their issuance or
renewal and become invalid on that date unless renewed. The
board shall notify every person registered licensed under this
chapter of the date of the expiration of that person's
certificate license and the amount of the fee that is required
for its renewal for a 2-year period, except when the applicant
has become registered licensed during the first year of the 2-
year period, then the renewal fee is for the remaining one year
of that 2-year period. The notice must be mailed at least one
month in advance of the date of the expiration of the certificate

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