LD 1548
pg. 13
Page 12 of 15 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning Registration of Engineers Page 14 of 15
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LR 650
Item 1

license. Renewal may be effected at any time after completion of
continuing education requirements and after receipt of notice by
the payment of a fee established by rule by the board, according to
its rules which may not exceed $50 annually. Registration Licenses
may be renewed up to 90 days after the date of expiration upon
payment of a late fee of $10 in addition to the renewal fee. Any
person who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days
after the registration license renewal date is subject to all
requirements governing new applicants under this chapter, except
that the board may in its discretion, giving due consideration to
the protection of the public, waive examination if the renewal
application is made within 3 years from the date of the expiration.

Sec. 26. 32 MRSA §1358, as amended by PL 1995, c. 355, §15, is
further amended to read:

§1358. Exemptions from expiration and renewal fees

A person holding a valid certificate of registration license
under this chapter on the date of entering employment in the
Armed Forces of the Government of the United States during a
period of war or employment in any wartime service outside of the
continental United States, governmental or otherwise, under the
United States or any of its allied nations is exempt, for the
duration of that employment, from the payment of all renewal
fees, and the registrant's certificate of registration licensee's
license remains in full force until the next regular renewal date
following the termination of that employment.

Sec. 27. 32 MRSA §1361, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 355, §17, is
amended to read:

§1361. Retired status

A registrant licensee who has terminated practice of
engineering may apply to the board for retired status. Upon
receiving an application for retired status, accompanied by the
fee established by the board, the board shall issue a certificate
of retired status to the applicant and record the applicant's
name in the roster as a retired registrant licensee, along with
the date of retired status.

A retired registrant licensee may retain but not use the seal
and may not practice engineering. The board shall reissue a
certificate of registration license to a retired registrant
licensee who pays all application fees, meets all current
requirements for registration licensure renewal and demonstrates
to the board's satisfaction that, for 2 years preceding the
application for registration licensure, the retired registrant

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