LD 1548
pg. 14
Page 13 of 15 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning Registration of Engineers Page 15 of 15
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licensee met the requirements for maintaining professional
competence established under the board rules.

Sec. 28. 32 MRSA §1362, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 94, §1, is
amended to read:

§1362. Continuing professional education

1. Requirement for renewal. Beginning with registrations or
licenses that expire in December 2005, every person seeking
renewal under section 1357 must provide evidence satisfactory to
the board that the person has completed 30 continuing
professional education hours within the period for which the
registration or license was issued.

2. Failure to meet requirement. The board may not renew a
registration to license of an applicant who fails to meet the
continuing professional education requirements under subsection
1. If an applicant subsequently fulfills the requirement after
the registration license has expired, the board may renew the
registration license for the remainder of the 2-year period for
which a renewal would have been valid but for the applicant's
failure to meet the continuing professional education

3. Review; monitoring. The board shall annually review and
monitor compliance with the continuing professional education
requirement under subsection 1.

4.__Exemptions.__Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
chapter, the board or a 3-person committee of the board may allow
an exemption or a partial exemption of the requirements of this
section to a person seeking renewal under section 1357 upon the
showing of an extenuating situation, hardship or disability.

Sec. 29. Transition; board members. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 32, section 1301, members of the State Board of
Registration for Professional Engineers on the effective date of
this Act continue to serve on the State Board of Licensure for
Professional Engineers until the terms for which they were
elected expire.

Sec. 30. Transition; existing certificates. A valid certificate of
registration pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32,
chapter 19 issued before the effective date of this Act continues
to be valid and may be renewed unless suspended or revoked under
Title 32, section 1356.

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