LD 1548
pg. 15
Page 14 of 15 An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning Registration of Engineers LD 1548 Title Page
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LR 650
Item 1


This bill changes the name of the board from "State Board of
Registration for Professional Engineers" to "State Board of
Licensure for Professional Engineers" and changes all references
to "certificate of registration" to "license." It also codifies
the practice of having the Chief Engineer of the Department of
Transportation serve as an ex officio voting member of the board.
It authorizes the board to grant hardship exemptions to licensees
who are unable to fulfill continuing education requirements. It
deletes outdated provisions no longer in effect. Finally, it
changes the title of chairman to chair and vice-chairman to vice-

Page 14 of 15 Top of Page LD 1548 Title Page