LD 1587
pg. 15
Page 14 of 16 An Act To Modernize Maine's Tax Code Page 16 of 16
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LR 1638
Item 1

service or in support of the provision of a nonqualified service,
and property used in a retail sales facility or in support of a
retail sales facility includes, without limitation, property used
in management, marketing, purchasing, distribution, accounting and
research and development.

Sec. G-7. Application. That section of this Part that repeals and
replaces the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 6652,
subsection 1-B, paragraph C applies to property tax years
beginning on or after April 1, 2004.

Sec. G-8. Retroactivity. Those sections of this Part that amend the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 6652, subsection 1-B,
paragraph B; repeal and replace Title 36, section 6652,
subsection 1-B, paragraph C; and enact Title 36, section 6652,
subsection 1-B, paragraph D apply retroactively to January 3,


Part A affects the Maine Residents Property Tax Program, the
so-called "circuit breaker program," by:

1. Changing the tax-to-income threshold to 100% of the
benefit base that exceeds 5% of income;

2. Increasing the maximum rebate to $5,000;

3. Increasing the renter rebate to 25%; and

4. Allowing persons to use the income tax form to file for a
refundable credit.

Part B increases from 5.1% to 8.5% the percentage of sales and
income tax revenues transferred to the Local Government Fund for
revenue sharing.

Part C reforms the income tax by increasing the personal
exemption amount to equal the federal amount, increasing the
earned income credit and making it refundable and creating a 10%
income tax bracket for income of $100,000 or more for single
filers, $150,000 or more for persons filing as heads of household
and $200,000 for persons filing married joint returns.

Part D includes, in the services subject to the service
provider tax, amusement and recreational, business, personal and
professional services. Under this bill, the provision of those
services is subject to the 5% tax. The term "construction
services" is also defined for the purpose of distinguishing

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