LD 1587
pg. 16
Page 15 of 16 An Act To Modernize Maine's Tax Code LD 1587 Title Page
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LR 1638
Item 1

nontaxable construction services from taxable personal or business

Part D eliminates the sales tax exemption for sales of short-
term publications. It also limits the exemption on funeral
services and repeals the exemption on coin-operated vending
machine sales. It also amends the law by creating an exemption
for certain legal services provided to low-income clients.

Part E increases the sales tax on lodging from 7% to 10%.

Part F reforms the business equipment tax reimbursement (BETR)
program by limiting state reimbursement to 70% of the taxes paid
on eligible property reduced by the amount of tax reimbursement
received for the property through a tax increment financing

Part G provides that, for property first placed in service in
property tax years beginning after April 1, 2005, property used
in, or in support of, the provision of a nonqualified service or
a retail sales facility is not eligible for BETR reimbursement.

Part G corrects a numbering problem created by Public Law
2003, chapters 625 and 687, which enacted 2 substantively
different provisions with the same paragraph designation. Part G
also makes the provisions retroactive to January 3, 2004, the
effective date of chapter 687.

Part G also corrects a conflict.

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