LD 1609
pg. 43
Page 42 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 44 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

2. Subsection (a)(1) deals with the transfer of partnership
property held in the name of the partnership and subsection
(a)(2) with property held in the name of one or more of the
partners with an indication either of their capacity as partners
or of the existence of a partnership. Subsection (a)(3) deals
with partnership property held in the name of one or more of the
partners without an indication of their capacity as partners or
of the existence of a partnership. Like the general agency rules
in Section 301, the power of a partner to transfer partnership
property under subsection (a)(1) is subject to the effect under
Section 303 of the filing or recording of a statement of
partnership authority. These rules are intended to foster
reliance on record title.

UPA Section 10 covers only real property. Section 302,
however, also governs the transfer of partnership personal
property acquired by instrument and held in the name of the
partnership or one or more of the partners.

3. Subsection (b) deals with the right of the partnership to
recover partnership property transferred by a partner without
authority. Subsection (b)(1) deals with the recovery of property
held in either the name of the partnership or the name of one or
more of the partners with an indication of their capacity as
partners or of the existence of a partnership, while subsection
(b)(2) deals with the recovery of property held in the name of
one or more persons without an indication of their capacity as
partners or of the existence of a partnership.

In either case, a transfer of partnership property may be
avoided only if the partnership proves that it was not bound
under Section 301 by the execution of the instrument of initial
transfer. Under Section 301, the partnership is bound by a
transfer in the ordinary course of business, unless the
transferee actually knew or had received a notification of the
partner's lack of authority. See Section 102(a) and (d). The
reference to Section 301, rather than Section 301(1), is intended
to clarify that a partner's actual authority is not revoked by
Section 302. Compare UPA § 10(1) (refers to partner's authority
under Section 9(1)).

The burden of proof is on the partnership to prove the
partner's lack of authority and, in the case of a subsequent
transferee, the transferee's knowledge or notification thereof.
Thus, even if the transfer to the initial transferee could be
avoided, the partnership may not recover the property from a
subsequent purchaser or other transferee for value unless it also
proves that the subsequent transferee knew or had received a
notification of the partner's lack of authority with respect to
the initial transfer. Since knowledge is required, rather than

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