LD 1640
pg. 15
Page 14 of 15 An Act To Permit Charter Schools in Maine LD 1640 Title Page
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group, a specific geographic area or a student population with
specific needs. A charter school may not be affiliated with a
religious institution and must be nonsectarian in its programs,
practices and policies.

At least 50% of the charter school's teaching staff must hold
appropriate teaching certificates. Teachers in charter schools
are employees of the charter school and have the right to
organize and bargain collectively in a separate unit or may
choose to operate the charter school themselves as partners or
members of a cooperative.

Charter schools will be funded by per-pupil allocations from
state and local sources based on the essential programs and
services model of school funding. The state and local per-pupil
payments will be sent to each charter school or other public
school chosen for each child. Funds for operating costs,
transportation costs, vocational costs and special education
costs will follow each child to the public charter school chosen.

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