LD 1642
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Further the Transition to the New Department of Health and Human Serv... Page 6 of 6
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LR 2344
Item 1

State Budget Officer, the State Controller, the Director of the
Office of Fiscal and Program Review and the Director of the Office
of Policy and Legal Analysis.

Sec. 6. Functions and duties; rules, guidelines, policies and manuals.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and in
accordance with Public Law 2003, chapter 689, the units
established within the Department of Health and Human Services
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22-A, section 201,
subsection 2 shall assume the functions and the duties of the
bureaus, divisions and offices established under Title 22 and
Title 34-B and the Office of Substance Abuse established under
Title 5, chapter 521. Notwithstanding Title 5, chapter 375 and
in accordance with Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section
1, all rules, guidelines, policies, manuals and similar documents
adopted by or distributed by either the former Department of
Human Services or the former Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services that are in effect as of the effective
date of this Act remain in effect until rescinded, revised or
amended, without regard to references therein to departmental
offices, bureaus, divisions, units or employee titles or
classifications that may no longer exist or that may be changed
in the future.


This bill furthers the transition to the new Department of
Health and Human Services as follows.

1. It eliminates from the law governing salary ranges certain
now-defunct positions from the former Department of Human
Services and the former Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services.

2. It establishes the salaries of the Deputy Commissioner of
Integrated Services and the Deputy Commissioner of Health,
Integrated Access and Strategy in the Department of Health and
Human Services.

3. It establishes a number of positions as major policy-
influencing positions within the Department of Health and Human

4. It establishes within the department the Health,
Integrated Access and Strategy Unit; the Operations and Support
Unit; the Finance Unit; and the Integrated Services Unit.

5. It directs the Commissioner of Health and Human Services
to create a new budget and financial management system and
reporting structure for the department.

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