LD 1661
pg. 10
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LR 407
Item 1

A committee to review priority higher education facility
projects, referred to in this chapter as "the facility project
review committee," is established as an advisory body to the
board of regents to assist the board of regents in performing its
statutory duties.

1.__Membership.__The facility project review committee is
organized as set out in this section and includes the Treasurer
of State, the Director of the Bureau of General Services within
the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and the
Chief Executive Officer of the Finance Authority of Maine, or
their designees.__The Director of the Bureau of General Services
or the director's designee shall serve as chair.

2.__Prioritization of higher education facility projects.__On
or before October 1, 2008, and annually thereafter, each
constituent unit may submit to the facility project review
committee a list of proposed priority higher education facility
projects ranked in order of priority.__Within 60 days following
the submission, the facility project review committee shall
review all such lists and approve the proposed projects as
priority higher education facility projects unless a project
description is not substantially complete or a project fails to
conform to the criteria for a priority higher education facility
project established by the board of regents.__On or before
January 15th and July 15th, annually, the facility project review
committee shall report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters and the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over appropriations and financial affairs on the status of
priority higher education facility projects.

3. Review of implementation of priority higher education
facility project procedures. On or before December 31, 2010, the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over education matters, in consultation with the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs, shall review the
implementation of priority higher education facility project
procedures and the status of such projects and recommend whether
to continue, expand or discontinue and repeal the procedures for
priority higher education facility projects established pursuant
to this section.

Sec. A-2. Effective date. This Part takes effect July 1, 2007.


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