LD 1661
pg. 11
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LR 407
Item 1

Sec. B-1. Transition. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 20-A, chapter 411, Title 20-A, chapter 431 and Private and
Special Law 1941, chapter 37, as amended, the following
provisions apply to the realignment of the duties and
responsibilities of the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of
the University of Maine System, the President and the Board of
Trustees of the Maine Community College System and the President
and the Board of Trustees of the Maine Maritime Academy with the
provisions of Title 20-A, chapter 408, which establishes the
authority of the Board of Regents of Higher Education as the
central policy-making authority for the state system of public
higher education.

1. The University of Maine System, the Maine Community College
System and the Maine Maritime Academy as created and established
by law are incorporated into the state system of public higher
education. Upon the effective date of Part A of this Act, all
references to, responsibilities of and authority conferred upon
the governing boards and policy-making authorities of the
University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System
and the Maine Maritime Academy, and those entities' predecessors,
throughout the Maine Revised Statutes and Private and Special
Laws are deemed to refer to and vest in the Board of Regents of
Higher Education created by this Act, as the successor entity.
The Board of Regents of Higher Education is the successor in
every way to the powers, duties and functions as assigned in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter 408 as they pertain
to the governance and coordination of the state system of public
higher education established under this Act.

2. All policies and procedures established by the Chancellor
and the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System, the
President and the Board of Trustees of the Maine Community
College System and the President and the Board of Trustees of the
Maine Maritime Academy, as they pertain to the duties of the
Board of Regents of Higher Education and its related units as set
forth in this Act, in effect on the effective date of this Act
remain in effect until rescinded, revised or amended.

3. The Chancellor of the University of Maine System, the
President of the Maine Community College System and the President
of the Maine Maritime Academy, together with the chairs of their
respective governing boards, shall collaborate and develop a plan
to align and consolidate the governance and coordination
functions of their respective governing boards with the
provisions set forth in Part A of this Act. By January 31, 2006,
the Chancellor of the University of Maine System shall submit a
report, including recommendations and any necessary legislation,
to the Governor and the Joint Standing Committee on Education and
Cultural Affairs regarding the plan required under this section.

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