LD 1682
pg. 1
LD 1682 Title Page An Act To Support Sibling Rights in Child Welfare Custody Matters LD 1682 Title Page
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LR 2392
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §4067 is enacted to read:

§4067.__Sibling visitation

1.__Visitation.__The court shall, whenever reasonable and
practical and if it determines it would be in the best interests
of the child, ensure that a child placed in foster care who is
separated from a sibling who is either in another foster or
preadoptive home or in the home of a parent or extended family
member has access to, and visitation rights with, that sibling
throughout the period of placement in the care and custody of the
State and subsequent to such placements if the child and the
child's sibling are separated through adoption or long-term or
short-term placements in foster care.

2.__Implementation.__The court shall ensure at the time of the
initial placement, when a child and the child's sibling are
separated through placements in foster, preadoptive or adoptive
care, that visitation rights pursuant to subsection 1 are
implemented through a schedule of visitations or supervised
visitations to be arranged and monitored through the appropriate
public or private agency and with the participation of the
foster, preadoptive or adoptive parents or extended family
members and the child, if reasonable, and other parties who are
relevant to the preservation of sibling relationships and
visitation rights.

3.__Reviews.__Periodic reviews must be conducted by the
appropriate public or private agency to evaluate the
effectiveness and appropriateness of the visitations between
siblings placed in care.

4.__Request of child.__A child who has attained 12 years of
age may request visitation rights with a sibling or siblings from
whom the child has been separated and who have been placed in
care or have been adopted in a foster or adoptive home other than
where the child resides.


This bill empowers the court to order sibling visitation for a
child in foster care when it is in the best interests of the
child to do so.

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