LD 1769
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act To Strengthen the State Purchasing Code of Conduct Laws Page 3 of 7
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LR 2955
Item 1

(3)__That, to the best of the bidder's knowledge, each
supplier at the point of assembly of the goods subject to
the bid process is in compliance with the code of
conduct; and

B.__The bidder has submitted a list of the names and
addresses of suppliers at the point of assembly of goods
subject to the bid process.

5.__Affidavit update requirement.__If, after complying with
the filing requirements of this section, a bidder is awarded a
contract, that contractor must, during the term of the contract,
promptly inform the State Purchasing Agent of any change in the
information furnished in the affidavit submitted at the time of
the original bid and must submit a new, updated affidavit that
conforms with the requirements of subsection 4.

Sec. A-2. 5 MRSA §1825-L, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
NNNN, §1, is repealed.

Sec. A-3. 5 MRSA §1825-M, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt. NNNN,
§1, is repealed.

Sec. A-4. 5 MRSA §1825-N, first ¶, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
NNNN, §1, is amended to read:

The State Purchasing Agent shall provide to bidders and those
who have been awarded contracts contractors resources to assist
with compliance with the state purchasing code of conduct
established in this subchapter. These resources must include a
list, easily accessed by the public, of bidders and vendors who
have adopted the state purchasing code of conduct.

Sec. A-5. 5 MRSA §1825-Q is enacted to read:

§1825-Q.__Complaints of noncompliance with code of conduct;

investigations of complaints

1.__Complaints alleging noncompliance.__The State Purchasing
Agent shall initiate an investigation to determine whether a
violation of the code of conduct has occurred if:

A.__ The State Purchasing Agent has independent knowledge
that a contractor or a supplier at the point of assembly of
goods subject to a contract is not in compliance with the
code of conduct;

B.__The contractor informs the State Purchasing Agent that the
contractor or a supplier at the point of assembly of

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