LD 1769
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act To Strengthen the State Purchasing Code of Conduct Laws Page 4 of 7
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LR 2955
Item 1

goods subject to a contract is not in compliance with the code
of conduct;

C.__A worker for a contractor or for a supplier at the point
of assembly of goods subject to a contract files a written
complaint directly with the State Purchasing Agent stating
that the contractor or supplier, to the best of the worker's
knowledge, is not in compliance with the code of conduct;

D.__A 3rd party established and based outside the United
States, on behalf of or on the basis of information from a
worker or workers, files directly with the State Purchasing
Agent a signed and dated written complaint stating that, to
the best of the 3rd party's knowledge, a contractor or a
supplier at the point of assembly of goods subject to a
contract is not in compliance with the code of conduct.__If
possible, the 3rd party's written complaint be signed and
dated under oath before an official authorized to administer
oaths; or

E.__A 3rd party established and based in the United States,
on behalf of or on the basis of information from a worker or
workers, files directly with the State Purchasing Agent a
written complaint, signed and dated under oath before an
official authorized by applicable law to administer oaths,
stating that, to the best of the 3rd party's knowledge, a
contractor or a supplier at the point of assembly of goods
subject to a contract is not in compliance with the code of

2.__Specificity required.__Any complaint made to the State
Purchasing Agent must state with reasonable specificity each
reason a party subject to the complaint is allegedly not in
compliance with the code of conduct.

3.__Notification to party subject to complaint.__After
receiving a complaint alleging noncompliance with the code of
conduct, the State Purchasing Agent shall contact in a timely
manner, in writing and by certified letter, the contractor that
is the subject of the complaint or whose supplier is the subject
of the complaint.

Sec. A-6. 5 MRSA §1825-R is enacted to read:

§1825-R.__Determinations of noncompliance with code of conduct

1.__Relevant information.__In making a determination of
whether a violation of the code of conduct has occurred, the
State Purchasing Agent may take into account any factors,
information, sources of information and materials determined

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