LD 1797
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Clarify the Qualifications for the Maine Residents Property Tax Progr... LD 1797 Title Page
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LR 2666
Item 1

If 2 or more individuals claim the same property, the matter must
be referred to the State Tax Assessor, whose decision is final.
Ownership of a homestead under this chapter may be by fee, by
life tenancy, by bond for deed, as mortgagee or any other
possessory interest in which the owner is personally responsible
for the tax for which a refund is claimed.

For purposes of this subsection, "occasionally rent out" means to
rent out a homestead for a period of less than one month during a
calendar year.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


Current law prohibits residents who rent out their homes for
any period of time from qualifying for the Maine Residents
Property Tax Program. This bill would allow a resident that
rents out that resident's home for less than one month a year to
qualify for the Maine Residents Property Tax Program.

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