LD 1909
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act To Make Minor Technical Changes to Maine's Spending Growth Benchmarks ... Page 6 of 7
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LR 2905
Item 1

B. "Forecasted inflation" means the average amount of change
of the Consumer Price Index for the calendar years that are
part of the ensuing biennium forecasted by the Consensus
Economic Forecasting Commission in its November 1st report of
even-number years has the same meaning as in Title 5, section
1531, subsection 6.

Sec. 13. 30-A MRSA §5721-A, sub-§1, ¶E, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2,
Pt. C, §1 and affected by §§3 and 5 and c. 12, Pt. WW, §16, is
amended to read:

E. "State and local tax burden" means the total amount of
state and local taxes paid by Maine residents per $1,000 of
income, as determined annually by the State Tax Assessor
based on data from the United States Department of Commerce,
Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis has the same
meaning as in Title 5, section 1531, subsection 9.

Sec. 14. 30-A MRSA §5721-A, sub-§2, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2,
Pt. C, §1 and affected by §§3 and 5 and c. 12, Pt. WW, §16, is
amended to read:

B. The property tax levy limit for subsequent fiscal years
is the property tax levy limit for the preceding year
multiplied by one plus the growth limitation factor pursuant
to subsection 3.

Sec. 15. 30-A MRSA §5721-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt.
C, §1 and affected by §§3 and 5 and c. 12, Pt. WW, §16, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

4.__Adjustment for change in state funding.__If the State
provides a net increase or decrease in funding to a municipality
for existing services funded in whole or in part by the property
tax levy, other than required state mandate funds pursuant to
section 5685 that do not displace current property tax
expenditures, adjustments to the property tax levy limit apply as
described in this subsection.__For purposes of this subsection,
"net increase or decrease in funding" means the amount of funds
received by the municipality from the State in that fiscal year,
with respect to services funded in whole or in part by the
property tax levy, compared to the product of the following:__the
amount of such funds received in the prior fiscal year multiplied
by one plus the growth limitation factor described in subsection
3.__For purposes of determining adjustments under this
subsection, changes in state funding do not include changes in
state funding for general assistance under Title 22, section 4311
or state funding under the Urban-Rural Initiative Program under
Title 23, section 1803-B if those changes are the result of the
operation of the formulas for calculation of state funding under

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