LD 1909
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act To Make Minor Technical Changes to Maine's Spending Growth Benchmarks ... Page 7 of 7
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LR 2905
Item 1

those sections but do include changes in funding that are the
result of a statutory change in the formula for calculation of
state funding under those sections.

A.__If a municipality receives a net increase in funding in
any fiscal year, the municipality shall reduce its property
tax levy limit in that year in an amount equal to the net
increase in funding.__If a municipality receives a net
increase in funding in any fiscal year for which its
property tax levy limit for that year cannot be adjusted,
the municipality shall reduce its property tax levy limit in
the following year in an amount equal to the net increase in

B.__If a municipality receives a net decrease in funding in
any fiscal year, the municipality may increase its property
tax levy limit in that year in an amount equal to the net
decrease in funding.__If a municipality receives a net
decrease in funding in any fiscal year for which its
property tax levy limit for that year cannot be adjusted,
the municipality may increase its property tax levy limit in
the following year in an amount equal to the net decrease in


This bill makes the following technical and clarifying changes
to the state, county and municipal spending limitations enacted
in 2005.

1. The bill clarifies the definition of "baseline General
Fund revenue" and the treatment of education funding increases
until the state share of education funding reaches 55%.

2. It provides consistency in the use of the term
"appropriation limitation."

3. It corrects language describing the transfer of amounts to
reserve accounts.

4. It corrects several references to the calculation of
county and municipal limitations by specifying that adjustments
are calculated by multiplying the prior year's limit by one plus
the growth limitation factor.

5. It establishes the Director of the State Planning Office
within the Executive Department as the person determining
"average real personal income growth" and the annual date for

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