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LR 275
Item 1

Sec. F-10. 7 MRSA §2954, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1987, c. 402, Pt. A,
§80, is further amended to read:

5. Minimum price schedule. Upon establishing said minimum
Minimum prices in any market which shall apply to the various
classifications of milk and which set by the commission may vary
in the several market areas of the State, the.__ The commission
shall furnish all dealers registered in said each market with a
schedule of such applicable prices and shall publish a the
schedule thereof in appropriate newspapers in said that market.
Such order shall become effective in accordance with Title 5,
chapter 375, and thereafter Once minimum prices for a market take
effect, no dealer, store or other person handling milk in such
that market shall may buy or offer to buy, sell or offer to sell
milk for prices less than the scheduled minimum prices
established for that market.

Sec. F-11. 7 MRSA §2954, sub-§6, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 573, §1, is amended to read:

6. Schedule of maximum transportation allowances;
adjustments. The commission may annually establish a schedule of
maximum transportation allowances which that may be charged by
any Maine dealer for hauling milk from a producer's farm to the
dealer's dairy plant. The commission shall base its schedule on
the recommendations of the commissioner pursuant to section 3157
3156 and shall conduct hearings prior to establishing that
schedule. Any dealer may petition the commission at any time to
approve a proposed adjustment in that schedule of transportation
charges for that dealer. The burden shall be is on the dealer to
substantiate the need and reasonableness of such a proposed
adjustment, and in the absence of evidence, the proposed
adjustments shall must be denied.

Sec. F-12. 7 MRSA §2954, sub-§§7 and 8, as repealed and replaced by PL
1975, c. 517, §3, are amended to read:

7. Prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any A person to may
not engage in any practice destructive of the scheduled minimum
prices for milk established under this chapter for any market,
including but not limited to offering any discount, rebate,
gratuity, advertising allowance or combination price for milk
with any other commodity. In addition to any penalty otherwise
provided by law, the commission after notice and hearing may
prohibit any such practice, and any person feeling himself
aggrieved by any order of the commission issued under this
chapter may appeal to the Superior Court. A purchaser of milk at
retail may tender a coupon or any item of value if the coupon or
item of value is not brand specific and is redeemable for cash by
the retailer and if the total value tendered by the

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