LD 216
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LR 275
Item 1

minimum wholesale prices paid to producers to reflect the
costs of producing milk in this State.

B. The minimum wholesale prices paid to dealers must be
established to reflect the lowest prices at which milk
purchased from producers in this State at minimum prices in
the State can be received, processed, packaged and
distributed within the State at a just and reasonable
return, and in addition must include the amount of any tax
determined by Title 36, chapter 716.

C. The minimum retail prices established for payment by
consumers shall must be based on the minimum wholesale price
paid to dealers and a rate of return deemed determined to be
just and reasonable by the Maine Milk Commission.

D.__In establishing and changing minimum wholesale and
retail prices, the commission shall consider the effect of
possible pricing decisions on the ability of the Maine dairy
industry to compete in supplying milk to Maine consumers
and, in such a consideration, shall include the following

(1)__The strength and viability of the Maine dairy
industry as a whole;

(2)__The extent of any social or economic benefits of
maintaining dairy processing plants in different
geographic regions or natural marketing areas of the
State; and

(3)__The encouragement of consumption by Maine
consumers of milk produced and processed within the
State, consistent with the Constitution of Maine and
the United States Constitution.

E. The commission may not set different minimum wholesale
prices for different retail delivery volumes of milk.

Sec. F-9. 7 MRSA §2954, sub-§4, as repealed and replaced by PL 1975,
c. 517, §3, is amended to read:

4. Commission empowered to establish classifications of milk.
The commission is vested with power to may establish and change,
after investigation and public hearing, classifications of milk
according to its various usages and shall specify to what
classification the prices established under this chapter shall

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