LD 216
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LR 275
Item 1

producer" means any Maine milk producer located in Aroostook County
and or Washington County, and or that portion of Penobscot County
north of and including the minor civil divisions of Medway, T.A.R.
7 and Long A T.W.P. selling who sells to a dealer determined by the
commissioner to be marketing milk on the Maine market, or any
agricultural cooperative that buys milk or handles milk for such a
producer and sells it to such a dealer.

Sec. F-29. 7 MRSA §3152-A, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 646, §3,
is amended to read:

1. Exemption; pool payments. An agricultural cooperative
which that is a producer-dealer under section 3152, subsection
10, shall be is exempt from payment into and redistributions out
of the Maine Milk Pool to the extent that the milk sold or
otherwise distributed by the agricultural cooperative which is a
producer-dealer does not exceed 5,000,000 pounds a month.
Nothing in this subsection exempts an agricultural cooperative
that is a producer-dealer from any other requirements of this
chapter. In any month in which the milk sold or otherwise
distributed by the agricultural cooperative which that is a
producer-dealer exceeds 5,000,000 pounds, the agricultural
cooperative which is a producer-dealer shall be considered the
dealer for purposes of this chapter for the amount of make
payment into and redistributions out of the Maine Milk Pool in
accordance with this chapter with respect to that milk which that
is in excess of 5,000,000 pounds.

Sec. F-30. 7 MRSA §3153, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2001, c. 433, §1, is
further amended to read:

2. Collections from dealers. Collections from dealers shall
must be made as follows.

A. Effective January 1, 2000, each Maine market dealer shall, on
a monthly basis, calculate for its Maine market producers the
amount of payment at the adjusted base minimum price that would
be payable to its Maine market producers according to the price
calculated using that dealer's utilization rate, referred to in
this subsection as "the Maine sample payment amount," and the
amount of payment that would be due its Maine market producers
according to the price calculated using the applicable component
prices and producer price differential for Suffolk County,
Massachusetts for the northeast marketing area milk marketing
order., referred to in this subsection as "the comparable Boston
payment amount." Each Maine market dealer shall make an initial
payment using established minimum component prices and the
producer price differential for the northeast marketing area milk
marketing order for Suffolk

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