LD 216
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LR 275
Item 1

County, Massachusetts in accordance with chapter 603. Any
additional payment at the adjusted base minimum price that
would be due its Maine market producers pursuant to that
dealer's applicable utilization rate must be made to the Maine
Milk Pool. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, in
any month in which the Maine sample payment amount is more
than the comparable Boston payment amount, the Maine market
dealer shall pay to the Maine Milk Pool the amount of the
difference. Based on the fact that northern Maine market
producers presently operate at significantly higher costs
because of their remoteness from markets and supplies, that
they face greater risks because they operate on a closer
margin and because their markets are less secure, payments to
the Maine Milk Pool at the adjusted base minimum price
attributable to northern Maine market producers must be
reduced by 1/2 and those producers' initial payments under
this section must be increased by the corresponding amounts.
The commissioner shall adopt by rule such procedures as are
necessary to implement this section.

(1) For any month in which there is only one Maine
market dealer subject to this paragraph and the milk
sold or otherwise distributed by that dealer during
that month does not exceed 1,000,000 pounds, the
additional payment due to the Maine Milk Pool must
instead be made by that dealer to its Maine market

B. For any month in which the amount of money payable to
producers at the adjusted base minimum price at a dealer's
utilization rate would be less than the amount of money
payable to that dealer's producers at the base minimum price
based upon the Maine sample payment amount is less than the
comparable Boston payment amount, the Maine market
utilization rate, the dealer may deduct the difference from
the next month's initial payment to producers at the base
minimum price under section 2954-A, subsection 2, paragraph
A. Upon the termination of their business relationship,
producers shall be are liable to dealers for all sums
advanced under this paragraph which that have not been
recouped by way of deduction.

C. For any month in which the Maine Milk Commission has
established minimum prices payable to producers that include an
over-order premium which that the commission has determined is
attributable to the activity of an eligible marketing
cooperative, this paragraph shall apply applies. Each Maine
market dealer shall, on a monthly basis, calculate for its Maine
market producers the amount of payment from the over-order
premium that would be payable to

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