LD 1677
pg. 120
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LR 2150
Item 1

supplies, materials and equipment that are surplus, obsolete or

6.__Internal service fund accounts. Maintain or establish,
through the Office of the State Controller, an internal service
fund account for each of the central services described in
subsections 1 to 5. The funds deposited in the account must
include, but are not limited to, appropriations made to the
account, funds transferred to the account from within the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services, funds
received from state departments and agencies using the services
provided by the central services and earnings by the fund from
the Treasurer of State's pool.

Each of the central services described in subsections 1 to 5 may
levy charges according to a rate schedule recommended by the
Director of the Bureau of General Services and approved by the
Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services against all
departments and agencies using their services.

§1828.__Sales of surplus property to educational institutions,

qualifying nonprofit organizations and fire departments

1.__Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A. "Educational institution" means:

(1)__Any public elementary or secondary school;

(2)__Any elementary or secondary private school
approved for tuition whose school enrollment is at
least 60% publicly funded students as determined by the
previous school year's October to April average

(3)__Any nonpublic postsecondary school; or

(4)__Any applied technology region.

B. "Qualifying nonprofit organization" means:

(1)__A public or private nonprofit entity that owns or
operates a project or facility for the homeless;

(2)__A nonprofit organization that has been determined to be
exempt from taxation under the United States Internal Revenue
Code, Section 501(c) and that

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