LD 1677
pg. 121
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LR 2150
Item 1

provides services to persons with physical or mental
handicaps as defined in section 4553, subsection 7-A; or

(3)__A nonprofit organization that has been determined
to be exempt from taxation under the United States
Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c) and that
contracts with the Department of Health and Human
Services to provide vehicles to low-income families to
assist them in participating in work, education or

C. "Fire department" means a department required to report
to the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Title 25, section

2.__Surplus property. Pursuant to this chapter and rules
adopted under section 1813, the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services through the Bureau of General Services shall
allow private sales of surplus property to:

A.__Nonprofit organizations that contract with the
Department of Health and Human Services to provide
affordable vehicles to low-income families to assist them in
participating in work, education or training;

B.__Homeless shelter sponsors; and

C.__Educational institutions.

3.__Computers to fire departments. Notwithstanding any
requirement of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this
chapter, a fire department may purchase one personal computer
from the Department of Administrative and Financial Services,
Bureau of General Services to be used for reporting to the State
Fire Marshal as required under Title 25, section 2395. The Bureau
of General Services may charge a fire department only reasonable
administrative and handling costs of no more than $35 for the
purchase of a personal computer under this subsection.

§1829.__Federal surplus property

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services is
designated as the state agency to receive and distribute federal
surplus property that may become available for distribution to
eligible recipients within this State. The department, through
the Bureau of General Services, may acquire, warehouse, allocate
and distribute surplus government property to all recipients
within the State who have been or who may later be designated as
eligible to receive such surplus property by the Congress of the
United States or any other federal official empowered to make
such determination. The Commissioner of Administrative and

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