LD 1677
pg. 128
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LR 2150
Item 1

committee shall consider, but is not limited to, the following

A. The restructuring of county jails;

B. The establishment of a decision-making process to
approve the construction and financing of new correctional

C. The establishment of criteria for the use of an
incentive fund established to further the recommendations of
the study;

D. The level of state funding of county jails to include
the existing funding through the community corrections laws
and the County Jail Prisoner Support and Community
Corrections Fund; and

E. Increased funding of cost-effective correctional service
delivery through the directing of other state revenues to
fund the incentive program.

The cost of the study may not exceed $300,000.

4. Report. The advisory committee shall submit interim
reports and proposed recommendations to the Intergovernmental
Advisory Group, established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
30-A, section 2181, for its review. The Intergovernmental
Advisory Group shall coordinate the solicitation of public
comment. The Department of Corrections shall deliver its final
report with recommendations and proposed implementing legislation
to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public
Safety and to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local
Government no later than January 1, 2006.

5. Corrections Incentive Fund recommendation. The
Commissioner of Corrections shall submit proposed legislation
establishing a Corrections Incentive Fund to the Joint Standing
Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety and the Joint
Standing Committee on State and Local Government no later than
February 1, 2006. The purpose of the proposed Corrections
Incentive Fund is to achieve significant and sustainable savings
in the cost of delivering correctional services by funding
proposals that are consistent with the final study
recommendations. The proposed legislation must also include a
provision for evaluating the effectiveness of the incentive fund
and a requirement to sunset the fund unless there is sufficient
evidence presented by the Department of Corrections to continue
the fund.

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