LD 1677
pg. 127
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LR 2150
Item 1

A. The Commissioner of Corrections and 2 state corrections
officials designated by the commissioner;

B. A representative of a statewide association of county
commissioners nominated by the association and appointed by
the Governor;

C. A representative of a statewide association of county
sheriffs nominated by the association and appointed by the

D. A representative of a statewide association of county
jails nominated by the association and appointed by the
Governor; and

E. A municipal representative appointed by the Governor.

The Governor shall ask the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial
Court to serve as or to name a designee to serve as a member of
the advisory committee.

The advisory committee shall consult with labor unions
representing both state and county employees and keep them
informed regularly throughout the development of the study.

2. Appointments; chairs; meetings. All appointments must be
made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this
Part. The Governor shall appoint 2 cochairs from among the
membership of the advisory committee, one representing the
Department of Corrections and one representing county government.
The cochairs shall call and convene the first meeting of the
advisory committee no later than 15 days after the appointment of
all members. The advisory committee may meet as often as
necessary to accomplish its work.

3. Duties of advisory committee. The advisory committee
shall oversee the development of a study that identifies the
costs, benefits and cost savings associated with alternative
corrections service delivery options that may include, but are
not limited to, improved collaboration between State Government
and county government and regionalization opportunities and cost

In reviewing each option, the advisory committee shall consider
costs, benefits, improved economies of scale, effective
management of bed space, appropriate staffing levels and equal or
improved program and service delivery. The advisory committee
shall analyze the options with the goal of achieving efficiencies
and managing the cost of correctional services at both the state
and county levels. In conducting the study the advisory

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