LD 1677
pg. 139
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LR 2150
Item 1





Sec. S-1. 36 MRSA §2551, sub-§1-B is enacted to read:

1-B.__Day habilitation services.__"Day habilitation services"
means services:

A.__That are provided by community-based agencies to
children or adults with mental retardation and include
assistance with the acquisition, retention or improvement of
self-help, socialization and adaptive living skills; and

B.__That take place in a nonresidential setting separate
from the home or facility in which the child or adult
resides, except when a physician has ordered that such
services be provided in the child's or adult's home, and
focus on enabling the child or adult to attain or maintain
maximum functional levels.

"Day habilitation services" includes only those services provided
by designated agencies under a contract with the Department of
Health and Human Services.

Sec. S-2. 36 MRSA §2551, sub-§7-B is enacted to read:

7-B.__Personal support services.__"Personal support services"
means services provided to children or adults with mental
retardation, including direct assistance with eating, bathing,
dressing, personal hygiene and other activities of daily living.
These services include only those services provided by designated
agencies under a contract with the Department of Health and Human
Services and:

A.__May include assistance with instrumental activities of
daily living such as assistance with the preparation of
meals, but does not include the cost of the meals

B.__If specified in the child's or adult's care plan, may
include such housekeeping chores as bed making, dusting and
vacuuming that are incidental to the care furnished, or are
essential to the health and welfare of the child or the
adult; and

C.__May be provided by a provider unrelated to the child or the
adult or by an adult relative other than an adult

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