LD 1677
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LR 2150
Item 1

recipient's spouse, but may not be provided in the same
setting where residential training is provided.

Sec. S-3. 36 MRSA §2551, sub-§13-A is enacted to read:

13-A.__Residential training services.__"Residential training
services" means services provided to children or adults with
mental retardation to assist with the acquisition, retention or
improvement of skills related to activities of daily living, such
as personal grooming and cleanliness, household chores, eating
and food preparation, and the social and adaptive skills
necessary to enable the child or adult to live in a
noninstitutional setting. Residential training services include
only those services provided by designated agencies under a
contract with the Department of Health and Human Services.

Sec. S-4. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt.
VV, §2, is further amended to read:

G. Private nonmedical institution services; and

Sec. S-5. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶H, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt.
VV, §3, is amended to read:

H. Community support services.;

Sec. S-6. 36 MRSA §2552, sub-§1, ¶¶I, J and K are enacted to read:

I.__Day habilitation services;

J.__Personal support services; and

K.__Residential training services.

Sec. S-7. 36 MRSA §2559, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt. VV, §4,
is further amended to read:

§2559. Application of revenues

Revenues derived by the tax imposed by this chapter must be
credited to a General Fund suspense account. On or before the
last day of each month, the State Controller shall transfer a
percentage of the revenues received by the State Tax Assessor
during the preceding month pursuant to the tax imposed by section
2552, subsection 1, paragraphs A to F to the Local Government
Fund as provided by Title 30-A, section 5681, subsection 5. The
balance remaining in the General Fund suspense account must be
transferred to service provider tax General Fund revenue. On or
before the
15th day of each month, the State Controller shall

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