LD 1642
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LR 2344
Item 1

Health and Human Services and the Joint Standing Committee on
Appropriations and Financial Affairs a plan to create a new budget
and financial management system and reporting structure for the
Department of Health and Human Services. The recommended structure
must address security and authority issues, reporting
administration, position administration, performance budget
administration, biennial budget issues, budget document issues and
annual reports issues. The commissioner shall invite the following
or their designees to join a working group to aid in the
preparation of the new budget and financial management structure:
the department's Deputy Commissioner of Finance, the State Budget
Officer, the State Controller, the Director of the Office of Fiscal
and Program Review and the Director of the Office of Policy and
Legal Analysis.

Sec. 8. Functions and duties; rules, guidelines, policies and manuals.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and in
accordance with Public Law 2003, chapter 689, the units
established within the Department of Health and Human Services
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22-A, section 201,
subsection 2 shall assume the functions and the duties of the
bureaus, divisions and offices established under Title 22 and
Title 34-B and the Office of Substance Abuse established under
Title 5, chapter 521. Notwithstanding Title 5, chapter 375 and
in accordance with Public Law 2003, chapter 689, Part B, section
1, all rules, guidelines, policies, manuals and similar documents
adopted by or distributed by either the former Department of
Human Services or the former Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services that are in effect as of the effective
date of this Act remain in effect until rescinded, revised or
amended, without regard to references therein to departmental
offices, bureaus, divisions, units or employee titles or
classifications that may no longer exist or that may be changed
in the future.

Sec. 9. Personal services appropriation and allocation transfers. Available
balances of personal services appropriations and allocations in
fiscal year 2005-06 within the Department of Health and Human
Services that are identified as savings resulting from the merger
of the former Department of Human Services and the former
Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services may be
transferred within the personal services line category within the
same fund by financial order upon the recommendation of the State
Budget Officer and approval of the Governor. The purpose of
these transfers must be to provide permanent, ongoing funding for
the pay range reallocation of positions to achieve pay equity.
The Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall provide a
report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human
Services and the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations

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