LD 1642
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LR 2344
Item 1

and Financial Affairs no later than January 15, 2006 on all amounts
transferred under this section.

Sec. 10. Report on merger goals and achievement of benchmarks. The
Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall report according
to the schedule established in this section to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and
human services matters on progress towards goals and benchmarks
adopted by the committee for the merger of the former Department
of Human Services and the former Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services. In January 2006, the commissioner shall
present proposed outcomes and specific benchmarks to be used to
evaluate the success of the merger in achieving those goals for
review by the committee. The commissioner shall provide
subsequent regular updated reports to the committee at least once
every 6 months in 2006 and 2007 on the progress of the department
in achieving the identified goals, outcomes and benchmarks. Each
report must also include a review of the pay range reallocations
undertaken to achieve pay equity, progress in achieving the
colocation goals of the department and the number of vacant
positions and acting or temporary appointments within the

Sec. 11. Review of advocacy and ombudsman issues. The child welfare
ombudsman program established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22,
section 4087-A, the long-term care ombudsman program established pursuant
to Title 22, section 5106, subsection 11-C and the Office of Advocacy
within the Department of Health and Human Services shall work
collaboratively to develop recommendations to maximize their
independence, effectiveness and ability to provide consumer advocacy and
ombudsman services and long-term budget stability. Those entities shall
report their recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Health
and Human Services no later than February 15, 2006. The committee may
report out a bill regarding the ombudsman and advocacy programs to the
Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.

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