LD 1511
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LR 777
Item 1


H.P. 1056 - L.D. 1511

An Act Regarding the Budget Process for the Legislative

Youth Advisory Council

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 3 MRSA §168-A, sub-§10, as amended by PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. F,
§3, is further amended to read:

10. Staff. The Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
Legislative Council shall provide funding and staff assistance to
the council from within its existing budgeted resources or from
any grants received by the school Legislative Council for that
purpose. The Office of Policy and Legal Analysis staff assigned
by the Legislative Council shall draft all legislation submitted
to the Legislature by the council. Legislative Council staffing
may be curtailed during periods when the Legislature is in
regular or special session.

Sec. 2. 3 MRSA §168-A, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Funding.__The Legislative Council may seek outside funds
to fund costs of the council.__Contributions to support the work
of the youth council may not be accepted from any party having a
pecuniary or other vested interest in the outcome of the matters
being studied or who would in any way compromise the work of the
council.__Any person, other than a state agency, desiring to make
a financial or in-kind contribution must certify to the
Legislative Council or its designee in the manner prescribed by
the Legislative Council__that the person has no pecuniary or
other vested interest in the outcome of the work of the council.__
All contributions are subject to approval by the Legislative

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