LD 1511
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LR 777
Item 1

Council or its designee.__The Executive Director of the Legislative
Council administers any funds received by the youth council.__The
executive director shall notify the chairs of the youth council of
the status of the funding on or before December 1st annually and
what funding is available for the immediately following calendar

Sec. 3. Budget. The Legislative Youth Advisory Council,
established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 168-
A, shall work with the Executive Director of the Legislative
Council to develop a budget for the youth council. The budget
must be submitted to the Executive Director of the Legislative
Council within 60 days of the effective date of this Act. The
Legislative Council shall pay reasonable expenses of members who
are Legislators to attend authorized meetings of the youth
council. All other expenses must be paid for from the youth
council's budget. The youth council may not incur any expense
that would cause the youth council to exceed its budgeted

Sec. 4. Transfer; Other Special Revenue Funds savings; authorization. The
Department of Education shall transfer $30,000 by October 1, 2005
from funds that support the Task Force on Citizenship Education
established pursuant to Resolve 2003, chapter 143 to the
Legislature to provide funding for the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council. The Legislative Council is authorized to allocate these
funds to support the operations of the Legislative Youth Advisory

Sec. 5. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and
allocations are made.


Legislature 0081

Initiative: Provides funds to pay for staffing and other
expenses incurred in support of the Legislative Youth Advisory


All Other$30,000



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