LD 1503
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LR 415
Item 1

for specific bond issues requiring an allocation of the state
ceiling or for carryforward. This procedure supersedes the federal
formula to the full extent that the United States Code, Title 26,
authorizes the Legislature to vary the federal formula.
Allocations may be reviewed by the Legislature periodically and
unused allocations may be reallocated to other issuers; however,
notwithstanding the existence of legislation allocating or
reallocating all or any portion of the state ceiling, at any time
during the period from September 1st to and including December 31st
of any calendar year, and at any other time that the Legislature is
not in session, a group consisting of a representative of each of
the issuers specifically identified in subsections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and 8-A; and a representative of the Governor designated each year
by the Governor may, by written agreement executed by no fewer than
5 of the 6 voting representatives, allocate amounts not previously
allocated and reallocate unused allocations from one of the
specific issuers designated in this section to another specific
issuer for further allocation or carryforward, with respect to the
state ceiling for that calendar year only. In no event may any
issuer have more than one vote. If an issuer is allocated a
portion of the state ceiling in more than one category, the written
agreement must be executed by no fewer than 4 of the 6 voting
representatives. A representative of the Department of Economic
and Community Development designated each year by the Commissioner
of Economic and Community Development shall participate as a
nonvoting member of the group of representatives described in this
subsection with respect to agreements or recommendations for
allocation or reallocation of the state ceiling. Except for
records containing specific and identifiable personal information
acquired from applicants for or recipients of financial assistance,
the records of the group of representatives described in this
subsection are public records and the meetings of the group of
representatives described in this subsection are public proceedings
within the meaning of Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter 1.

Sec. 23. 10 MRSA §384, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 699, §3, is
amended to read:

1. Establishment; membership. There is established as a body
corporate and politic and a public instrumentality of the State
the Small Enterprise Growth Board, which consists of 11 members
appointed by the Governor as follows:

A. An experienced commercial lender;

B. An attorney with knowledge of securities law;

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