LD 1503
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LR 415
Item 1

C. Five members of the public who have knowledge and
experience in managing or investing in high-growth small

D. Three members of the public who have knowledge and
experience in the development of technological innovation;

E. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
or the commissioner's designee, who shall serve as a voting
ex officio member of the board.

Sec. 24. 10 MRSA §965, sub-§4, ķA, as amended by PL 1987, c. 534, Pt.
B, §§7 and 23, is further amended to read:

A. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
or the commissioner's designee;

Sec. 25. 20-A MRSA §12705, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 688, §11
and PL 2003, c. 20, Pt. OO, §2 and affected by §4, is further
amended to read:

1. Membership. The board of trustees consists of 13
appointed voting members, one ex officio voting member and 2 1 ex
officio, nonvoting members member as follows:

C. Twelve from the field of business and industry, the
field of labor, the field of education and the general

D. The Commissioner of Education, or the commissioner's
successor, who serves as an ex officio voting member;

E. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development,
or the commissioner's successor, who serves as an ex officio
nonvoting member;

F. The Commissioner of Labor, or the commissioner's
successor, who serves as an ex officio nonvoting member; and

G. One member who is from the student body of one of the
community college campuses at the time of appointment and
who is a permanent resident of the State. To be eligible
for appointment as a student member, a student must be
enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.

The student member is a full voting member of the board of
trustees and serves for a 2-year term and until a successor is
qualified. By January 1st of every 2nd year, the president of
the system shall solicit a list of 6 eligible

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