LD 1985
pg. 21
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LR 3053
Item 1

§101.__Violations relating to pulling events

1. Conducting pulling event without permit. A person that
conducts, causes to be conducted or sponsors a public or private
pulling event between animals or pairs of animals within the
State without a permit from the commissioner commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than
$500 may be adjudged.

2. Prohibition on participating in pulling events. A person
who has been convicted of a violation of Title 17, section 1031
or has been adjudicated to have committed a civil violation of
section 4011 within the previous 5 years may not participate as
an animal owner or handler or in any other capacity, directly or
indirectly, in a pulling event. A person who participates in a
pulling event in violation of this subsection commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than
$500 may be adjudged.

3.__Permit revocation.__The commissioner may, in accordance
with Title 5, chapter 375, revoke or refuse to renew a permit to
hold a pulling event:

A.__If after receiving notice from the department the
sponsor of a pulling event allows a person to participate as
an owner or handler or in any other capacity, directly or
indirectly, in a pulling event within 5 years of that
person's being__convicted of a violation of Title 17,
section 1031 or__being adjudicated of__a civil violation of
section 4011; or

B.__When the commissioner has received written notification
from the Pull Events Commission of violations of laws or
rules at a pulling event conducted under a permit held by
that sponsor.

Sec. 4. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§2, ķA, as amended by PL 1993, c. 388, §4, is
further amended to read:

A. The revenues to be generated, consistent with the
profitability and financial health of the licensee, for the
General Fund pursuant to section 275-H; the purse
supplements pursuant to section 275-I; the Sire Stakes Fund
pursuant to section 281; and the Stipend Fund pursuant to
Title 7, section 62 86;

Sec. 5. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§2, ķE, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 444, §2, is
amended to read:

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