LD 1985
pg. 22
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LR 3053
Item 1

E. With respect to agricultural societies seeking licenses
to conduct harness racing meets at the time of their annual
fairs, the scheduling of agricultural fairs determined by
the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources
pursuant to Title 7, sections 65 83 and 65-A 84;

Sec. 6. 8 MRSA §287, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 528, §46, is
amended to read:

3. Payment to Stipend Fund. Nine percent of the revenue
credited to the General Fund under this section that is
attributable to amounts in excess of $35,000,000 must be
distributed to the Stipend Fund as provided in Title 7, section
62 86.

Sec. 7. 8 MRSA §289, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 528, §46, is amended
to read:

§289. Payment to Stipend Fund share

1. Initial distribution to Stipend Fund. The Treasurer of
State shall credit .189% of the commission on regular wagers made
to interstate commingled pools, .402% of the commission on exotic
wagers made to interstate commingled pools, 0.72% of the regular
wagers made to all other pools and 0.49% of the exotic wagers
made to all other pools to the Stipend Fund as provided in Title
7, section 62 86 and shall distribute the balance as provided in
subsection 2.

2. Extended meet account. The Treasurer of State shall
distribute the balance of the amount calculated as Stipend Fund
share as follows.

A. The first $400,000 of the total amount, regardless of
when actually collected, must be credited to the Stipend
Fund as provided in Title 7, section 62 86.

B. From the balance of the total amount in excess of $400,000,
regardless of when actually collected, 80% must be paid and
returned no later than 30 days after the end of the calendar year
to those persons, associations and corporations that during that
calendar year conducted an extended meet pursuant to a license
granted by the commission in section 271. This payment must be
divided in the proportion that the contributions of regular and
exotic wagers to pari-mutuel pools on live racing made or
conducted at the extended meets of each racing licensee during
that calendar year bear to the total contributions of regular and
exotic wagers to pari-mutuel pools on live racing made or

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