LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

beyond these costs shall must be used to meet the costs of purchase
under subsection 1.

Sec. A-46. 28-A MRSA §1361, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373,
§116, is further amended to read:

4. No sales of malt liquor or wine to person without
wholesale license. No certificate of approval holder, except a
small Maine brewery or Maine farm winery licensee allowed to sell
directly to retailers, may sell or cause to be transported into
the State any malt liquor or wine to any person to whom a Maine
wholesale license has not been issued by the bureau. Malt liquor
or wine must be delivered to the place of business of the
wholesaler as shown in the wholesaler's license, must be unloaded
and inventoried at the wholesaler's premises upon the
wholesaler's receipt of the shipment and must come to rest before
delivery is made to any retailer to enable the bureau to inspect
and inventory wholesale warehouses for the purpose of verifying
taxes that are required to be paid on malt liquor and wine
purchased by importers.

Sec. A-47. 29-A MRSA §523, sub-§5, ¶Q, as amended by PL 2005, c. 420,
§1 and c. 433, §8 and affected by §28, is repealed and the
following enacted in its place:

Q.__Kosovo Service Medal;

Sec. A-48. 29-A MRSA §523, sub-§5, ¶R, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 420,
§2 and c. 433, §9 and affected by §28, is repealed and the
following enacted in its place:

R.__Korea Defense Service Medal;

Sec. A-49. 29-A MRSA §752-A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 433, §11 and
affected by §28, is repealed and the following enacted in its

§752-A.__Exempted odometer information

A vehicle's odometer reading is not required to be disclosed
on transfers of the following vehicles:

1.__Not self-propelled.__A vehicle that is not self-propelled;

2.__Ten years old.__A vehicle that is 10 years old or older.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Title, the
Secretary of State may require odometer information for any
vehicle, as set forth in section 752, upon showing by records or

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