LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

other sufficient evidence that vehicle mileage discrepancies exist.

Sec. A-50. 30-A MRSA §66-A, sub-§2, ¶C, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 291,
§2, is amended to read:

C. Commissioner District Number 3, in the County of
Aroostook, consists of the minor civil divisions of
Allagash, Caswell, Cyr Plantation, Eagle Lake, Fort Kent,
Frenchville, Grand Isle, Hamlin, Limestone, Madawaska,
Nashville Plantation, New Canada, New Sweden, Perham,
Portage Lake, St. Agatha, St. Francis, St. John Plantation,
Stockholm, Van Buren, Wade, Wallagrass, Westmanland,
Winterville Plantation and Woodland and the unorganized
territories of Connor and Square Lake. The term of office
of the county commissioner from this district expires in
2004 and every 4 years thereafter.

Sec. A-51. 30-A MRSA §3754-A, sub-§5, ¶D, as amended by PL 2005, c.
247, §2 and c. 424, §4, is repealed and the following enacted in
its place:

D.__Junkyard and automobile graveyard owners must
demonstrate at the time of licensing that the facility or
facilities for which they seek permits are, or are part of,
a viable business entity and the facility or facilities are
actively engaged in the business of salvaging, recycling,
dismantling, processing, repairing or rebuilding junk or
vehicles for the purpose of sale or trade;

Sec. A-52. 30-A MRSA §3755-A, sub-§3, ¶H, as amended by PL 2005, c.
247, §5 and affected by §7, is further amended to read:

H. Dismantling of a vehicle must be performed in accordance
with the following standards.

(1) Batteries must be removed.

(2) All fluids, including but not limited to engine
lubricant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power
steering fluid, hydraulic fluid, engine coolant,
gasoline, diesel fuel and oil, must be drained into
watertight, covered containers and must be recycled or
disposed of in accordance with applicable federal and
state laws, rules and regulations.

(3) Fluids from a vehicle may not be permitted to flow
or be discharged into or onto the ground.

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