LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

D. The building of or acquisition of other facilities related
to the operation of school administrative units;

E. The complete restoration of existing school buildings in
lieu of replacement when in the judgment of the commissioner
the action is in the best interest of the State and local
unit; and

F. Off-site construction may only be included within the
meaning of this term if, in the judgment of the
commissioner, it is economically in the best interests of
the State or there is no other practical way to complete a

"School construction project" does not mean the purchase, lease-
purchase or construction of portable temporary classroom space,
as defined in section 15603 15672, subsection 19-A 21-B, the
lease-purchase of bus garage and maintenance facilities, as
defined in section 15603, subsection 6-A or a permanent space
lease-purchase project as defined in section 15901, subsection 4-

Sec. B-13. 20-A MRSA §15901, sub-§4-A, as amended by PL 1991, c. 268,
§6, is further amended to read:

4-A. Small scale school construction project. "Small scale
school construction project" means a project that will not be
eligible for state subsidy and is limited to:

A. New buildings not exceeding 600 square feet in gross
area to be utilized solely for storage or custodial work, or
both; or

B. On-site additions to existing school buildings not
exceeding 600 square feet in gross area.

"Small scale school construction project" does not mean the
purchase, lease-purchase or construction of portable temporary
classroom space, as defined in section 15603 15672, subsection
19-A 21-B, or the lease-purchase of bus garage and maintenance
facilities, as defined in section 15603, subsection 6-A .

Sec. B-14. 20-A MRSA §15901, sub-§4-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 81,
§7, is amended to read:

4-B. Permanent space lease-purchase project. "Permanent
space lease-purchase project" means the lease-purchase of
permanent administrative space or permanent small
nonadministrative or instructional space whose costs are wholly

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