LD 2055
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LR 3065
Item 1

or partially eligible as debt service costs for subsidy purposes
under section 15603 15672, subsection 8 2-A, paragraph B,
subparagraph (1) or subparagraph (3). "Permanent space lease-
purchase project" does not mean the purchase, lease-purchase or
construction of portable temporary classroom space, as defined in
section 15603 15672, subsection 19-A 21-B, or the lease-purchase
of bus garage and maintenance facilities, as defined in section
15603, subsection 6-A .

Sec. B-15. 20-A MRSA §15904, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 81,
§12, is amended to read:

6. Permanent space lease-purchase projects. A permanent
space lease-purchase project, as defined in section 15901,
subsection 4-B, whose costs are wholly eligible as debt service
costs for subsidy purposes under section 15603 15672, subsection
8 2-A, paragraph B must receive a favorable vote of the
legislative body of the school administrative unit. A permanent
space lease-purchase project whose lease-purchase costs are not
eligible as debt service costs for subsidy purposes under section
15603 15672, subsection 8 2-A, paragraph B must receive a
favorable vote of the legislative body conducted in accordance
with this section, except that subsection 4 does not apply. The
vote may authorize the school board or school committee to enter
into a mortgage, security interest or other encumbrance on the
permanent space lease-purchase project determined to be necessary
for the permanent space lease-purchase project.

Sec. B-16. 20-A MRSA §15905, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 397,
§1, is amended to read:

7. Interest-only interim local financing. Notwithstanding
any provision of law or rule to the contrary, the state board may
accelerate the dates on which it grants concept approval and
funding approval for a school construction project that has been
placed on the special priority list of the state board on the
condition that the school administrative unit provide interest-
only interim local financing for the project in accordance with
this subsection. The period of interest-only interim local
financing must be determined by the state board at the time
concept approval is granted for a project and must be based on
the time difference between the date that final funding approval
is expected to be granted on an accelerated basis and the date
that final funding approval would have been expected to be
granted in the normal course. The period of interim local
financing for a project may not exceed 5 years.

Notwithstanding any provision of law or rule to the contrary, a
school administrative unit, including a school administrative
unit established by private and special law, authorized to issue

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