LD 143
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs and Increase Coverage LD 143 Title Page
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LR 1843
Item 1

drugs.__The fund is a special, dedicated, nonlapsing fund and any
interest generated by the fund is credited to the fund.__The
department shall administer the fund.

§263.__Prescription Drug Program Advisory Committee

The commissioner shall appoint 11 persons to the Prescription
Drug Program Advisory Committee, referred to in this chapter as
the "committee," to oversee the operation of the program.__The
members of the committee must represent consumers, pharmacies and
hospitals, health coverage administered by the State and
pharmacists.__The committee shall elect a chair and vice-chair
annually.__The committee shall meet at least quarterly and may
meet more often if the commissioner or 4 of the members determine
a meeting should be called.__The members of the committee serve
without compensation or reimbursement.__The department shall
provide staff to the committee as required for the performance of
its duties.__ By February 1, 2000 and annually thereafter, the
committee shall report to the joint standing committees of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services
matters and appropriations and financial affairs on the operation
of the program and the cost savings to consumers and to any
department of State Government.__The report must include any
recommendations for legislation or rulemaking.


This bill establishes a prescription drug purchasing
consortium and the Prescription Drug Distribution Program to
enable the Department of Human Services to purchase drugs at
favorable prices and make them available to consumers with
incomes at or below 400% of the federal nonfarm income official
poverty line. The bill includes a dedicated fund into which are
placed the revenues from rebates and consumer purchases. The
program is overseen by an advisory committee that reports
annually to the joint standing committees of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health and human services matters and
appropriations and financial affairs.

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