LD 1256
pg. 1
LD 1256 Title Page Resolve, to Establish a Task Force to Study the Operation of and Support for th... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2602
Item 1

Sec. 1. The Task Force to Study the Operation of and Support for the Board of
Environmental Protection established. Resolved: That the Task Force to Study
the Operation of and Support for the Board of Environmental
Protection, referred to in this resolve as the "task force," is
established; and be it further

Sec. 2. Membership; chair; quorum. Resolved: That the task force is
comprised of 11 members appointed as follows:

1. Two members of the House of Representatives, appointed by
the Speaker of the House;

2. Two members of the Senate, appointed by the President of
the Senate;

3. Two representatives of environmental groups, appointed by
the Governor;

4. Two representatives of business interests, appointed by
the Governor;

5. One person who owns real property in the State, appointed
by the Governor;

6. The Chair of the Board of Environmental Protection; and

7. The Commissioner of Environmental Protection.

The members shall elect a chair of the task force by majority
vote of all members. The chair of the Board of Environmental
Protection and the Commissioner of Environmental Protection are
nonvoting members. A quorum exists when a majority of members
are present; and be it further

Sec. 3. Appointment; vacancies; expenses. Resolved: That the appointments
must be made by July 15, 2000. The appointing authorities shall
notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council upon
making their appointments. An appointment for a vacancy must be
made in the same manner as for the vacating member. The Chair of
the Board of Environmental Protection and those members of the
task force who are Legislators are entitled to receive
legislative per diem and reimbursement of necessary expenses for
their attendance at authorized meetings of the task force. Other
members of the task force who are not otherwise compensated by
their employers or other entities whom they represent are
entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred
for their attendance at authorized meetings; and be it further

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