LD 1256
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Establish a Task Force to Study the Operation of and Support for th... LD 1256 Title Page
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LR 2602
Item 1

Sec. 4. Duties and responsibilities. Resolved: That the task force shall
review the structure and operation of the Board of Environmental
Protection to determine whether the board is operating as an
independent body or as a part of the executive branch of
government and whether the administrative and technical staff
that is dedicated exclusively to the board is needed; and be it

Sec. 5. Report. Resolved: That by January 15, 2000 the task force
shall submit a report with its findings to the Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources. The Joint Standing Committee on
Natural Resources shall report out any legislation to the Second
Regular Session of the 119th Legislature concerning findings of
the task force.


This resolve establishes an 11-member task force to study
whether the Board of Environmental Protection operates as an
independent body or as a part of the executive branch of
government and whether the administrative and technical staff
dedicated exclusively to the Board of Environmental Protection is
needed. The task force is to report its findings to the Joint
Standing Committee on Natural Resources by January 15, 2000.

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