LD 1870
pg. 1
LD 1870 Title Page An Act to Change the Charter of the Eastport Port Authority Page 2 of 3
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LR 2358
Item 1

Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts of the Legislature do not become
effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as
emergencies; and

Whereas, the Port of Eastport provides valuable economic
benefits to all the people of Washington County; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 1977, c. 14, §1, 2nd ¶ is repealed.

Sec. 2. P&SL 1977, c. 14, §1, 3rd ¶, as amended by P&SL 1993, c. 82, §1,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

A board of directors is established to exercise the power and
duties of the authority.__The board consists of the following 13
voting members:

1.__The city manager of Eastport, who serves ex officio;

2.__The president of the Eastport City Council, who serves ex

3.__A representative appointed by the Department of

4.__Four members who are residents of the City of Eastport.__
The members must be elected by a majority of the legal voters at
an election, for terms of 4 years, in the same manner and at the
same time as Eastport city councilors.__The term for a member
elected under this paragraph begins January 1st and that member
serves until a successor is duly elected and qualified; and

5.__Six members, consisting of 2 members from each of the 3
Washington County commissioner districts established under the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 66, subsection 15.__
The county commissioners of each district must initially appoint
2 members by majority vote within 30 days of the effective date
of this paragraph.__These members serve until December 31, 2000.__
The members must be elected at the next general election, to be
held November 2000.__At that election, members from the 3 county
commissioner districts must be elected by a majority of the legal
voters of those districts voting at that election.__The election

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