LD 1871
pg. 6
Page 5 of 8 An Act to Revise Procedures for Probation Revocation Page 7 of 8
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LR 1586
Item 1

revocation at a later date. During the service of that portion of
the sentence imposed for which the suspension of execution was
vacated upon revocation, the running of the period of probation
shall must be interrupted and shall resume resumes again upon
release. If the court finds a violation of probation but vacates
none of the suspended sentence, the running of the period of
probation resumes upon entry of that final disposition. The court
may nevertheless revoke probation and vacate the suspension of
execution as to the remainder of the suspended sentence or a
portion thereof for any criminal conduct committed during the
service of that portion of the sentence for which the suspension of
execution was vacated upon revocation.

Sec. 7. 17-A MRSA §1206, sub-§§7-C and 7-D are enacted to read:

7-C.__The running of the period of probation is tolled upon
either the delivery of the summons, the filing of the written
notice with the court that the person can not be located or the
arrest of the person.__If the motion is dismissed or withdrawn,
or if the court finds no violation of probation, the running of
the period of probation is deemed not to have been tolled.

7-D.__If the attorney for the State and the attorney for the
person on probation or the person on probation reach agreement
that in return for an admission of a violation of probation the
attorney for the State will dismiss other charges; the attorney
for the State will not oppose the requested disposition requested
by the person on probation; the attorney for the State will
recommend a particular disposition; or both sides will recommend
a particular disposition; and, if the court at the time of
disposition intends to enter a disposition less favorable to the
person on probation than that recommended, the court shall on the

A.__Inform the parties of this intention;

B.__Advise the person on probation personally in open court
that the court is not bound by the recommendation;

C.__Advise the person that if the person does not withdraw
the admission, the disposition of the motion will be less
favorable to the person than that recommended; and

D.__Afford the person the opportunity to withdraw the

The court shall, if possible, inform the person of the intended

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