LD 1910
pg. 1
LD 1910 Title Page An Act to Promote Economic Development in Central Maine Page 2 of 2
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LR 2573
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to implement legislation to improve central
Maine in the following ways. It proposes to:

1. Issue a $5,000,000 bond to establish a revolving loan fund
to capitalize the Community Industrial Buildings Fund, a fund to
assist local development corporations in constructing community
industrial buildings in economically deprived rural and urban
areas. The fund would be matched with at least $1,250,000 in
private and public contributions;

2. Provide $1,000,000 in funding to the Business Attraction
Marketing Program in the Department of Economic and Community

3. Require that 1% of all funds appropriated for research and
development projects in this State be used to attract new
businesses to locate in Maine to manufacture the items that are
the products of the research and development;

4. Require the State Economic Development Strategy to include
provisions for regional components that are consistent with
economic development district plans;

5. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Initiative
in the Department of Community and Economic Development focusing
on how to revitalize downtown areas in Maine;

6. Require that economic development districts be given a
copy of results of any research by the Department of Economic and
Community Development into industries and communities that are at
risk for loss of jobs and businesses. The districts must use the
results to develop a volunteer stakeholder task force to find
solutions to any of the problems raised by the research and
report back to the Governor and the Legislature with solutions
and funding suggestions;

7. Appoint a volunteer stakeholder group to establish a
Winter Harbor Development Group. The goal of the group is to
explore and suggest alternative uses for the Winter Harbor base
such as an international hotel, recreation facility, conference
center or retreat;

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