LD 1950
pg. 1
LD 1950 Title Page An Act to Change the Membership of the Medicaid Advisory Committee and the Boar... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1566
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §8703, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 568, §1, is
further amended to read:

2. Board of directors. The organization operates under the
supervision of a board of directors, which consists of 18 19
voting members.

A. The Governor shall appoint 16 17 board members in
accordance with the following requirements. Appointments by
the Governor are not subject to review or confirmation.

(1) Three members must represent consumers. For the
purposes of this section, "consumer" means a person who
is not affiliated with or employed by a 3rd-party
payor, a provider or an association representing those
providers or those 3rd-party payors.

(2) Three members must represent employers. One
member must be chosen from a list provided by a health
management coalition in this State.

(3) Two members must represent 3rd-party payors.

(4) Eight Nine members must represent providers. Two
provider members must represent hospitals chosen from a
list of at least 5 current hospital representatives
provided by the Maine Hospital Association. Two
provider members must be physicians or representatives
of physicians chosen from a list of at least 5 nominees
provided jointly by the Maine Medical Association and
the Maine Osteopathic Association. One provider member
must be a dentist chosen from a list of at least 3
nominees provided by the Maine Dental Association. One
provider member must be a chiropractor chosen from a
list provided by a statewide chiropractic association.
One provider member must be a pharmacist chosen from a
list provided by a statewide pharmacist association.__
The names of pharmacists submitted by the statewide
pharmacist association must include only those
pharmacists registered and practicing in the State.
Two provider members must be representatives of other
health care providers, at least one of whom is a
current representative of a home health care company.

B. The commissioner shall appoint 2 members who are employees of
the department to represent the State's interest in maintaining
health data and to ensure that

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