LD 1950
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Change the Membership of the Medicaid Advisory Committee and the Boar... LD 1950 Title Page
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LR 1566
Item 1

information collected is available for determining public
health policy.

C. All appointments must be completed by May 1, 1996.

Sec. 2. Deadline for appointing pharmacist member to Board of Directors of the Maine
Health Data Organization. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 22, section 8703, subsection 2, paragraph C, the pharmacist
member of the Board of Directors of the Maine Health Data
Organization appointed pursuant to this Act must be appointed no
later than 60 days after the effective date of this Act.

Sec. 3. Department of Human Services to include pharmacist on Medicaid Advisory
Committee. The Department of Human Services shall include in the
membership of the Medicaid Advisory Committee a pharmacist member
who is both registered and practicing in the State. The
department shall report back on this change to the Joint Standing
Committee on Health and Human Services no later than January 15,


This bill amends the membership of the Board of Directors of
the Maine Health Data Organization to include a pharmacist
member. The pharmacist must be registered in the State and also
practicing pharmacy in the State to be eligible to serve as a
member on the board. The bill also directs the Department of
Human Services to include a pharmacist member on the Medicaid
Advisory Committee. The Department of Human Services shall
report back on this change to the Joint Standing Committee on
Health and Human Services no later than January 15, 2000.

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